
J&K Salvage takes its role as an environmentally responsible company seriously. Our ongoing commitment to the environment means that we meet or exceed the requirements of environmental regulations concerning the safety of the land it occupies. Environmental studies are routinely commissioned to ensure that it complies with all new regulations.

J&K Salvage takes great pride in the key role it plays in reducing land pollution. Every day, Americans contribute to the destruction of our environment by discarding every conceivable form of waste. As a processor of scrap metal, J&K Salvage converts metallic solid waste into a recyclable commodity thereby reducing pressure on existing landfills and preserving the natural beauty of the landscape. J&K Salvage is structured to utilize all procedures necessary to avoid adding potentially harmful contaminants to the environment. We are an industry leader by making sure all products recovered by J&K Salvage are recycled to the fullest extent to ensure no material has to be taken to landfills.

J&K Salvage also plays a role as an innovator and investor, continually seeking out and investigating new opportunities in the recycling industry.

J&K utilizes an area close to 30 acres in size. The area is almost completely covered in concrete or black top. This is known as Impervious surfaces(1) With this comes storm water run off that needs to be addressed and at J&K we have proactively placed grease and oil separators(2) at all storm water outfalls and we monitor our water discharge monthly to ensure our discharge is within the requirements set forth from the government. As in best management practices.
We have two street sweepers that we use for keeping the area clean and free of debris that could create a problem with sediment run off and flat tires. we also have these to rent for parking lot clean ups or any large clean up. See this in our service section.

1. Impervious surfaces (mainly artificial structures—such as pavements (roads, sidewalks, driveways and parking lots) that are covered by impenetrable materials such as asphalt, concrete, brick, and stone–and rooftops. Soils compacted by urban development are also highly impervious.

2. Oil and grease separators are devices that are designed to remove oil, grease, sediments, trash from storm water. They use specific gravities of water and petroleum products to separate the two.



• Recycling metal products has these advantages:

    • • Uses 95% less energy than manufacturing them from new
    • • Saves natural resources
    • • Reduces greenhouse emissions
    • • Less environmental damage from reduced mining
  • • Motor vehicles are the premier recycled consumer product in the U.S., due to the work performed by auto recyclers at salvage yards. Over 7 million end-of-life vehicles are recycled annually. Over 75% of the material content of a vehicle is recycled
  • • Scrap has been an export commodity from the U.S. since the late 1800’s
  • • 1 recycled aluminum can saves enough energy to run a television for 3 hours

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